About Me Works

Noisy Dots

A generative, interactive work in which colorful dots appear in square grids evenly spaced out within a larger square grid. A changing noise value determines the number of dots in each row and column, and their color. Interactive settings include noise speed ('-','='), max number of points per row/column of one square (numbered keys), total number of grids (scrolling/up & down arrow keys), and light/dark modes ('b') automatically determined based on current time i.e. day or night.


'b' to toggle dark/light mode
'i' to invert dots' color
'n' or SPACE to randomize points
'p' to pause
'r' to reset all settings and points to initial states
';' to switch between circle and square dots
'-' to decrease noise speed
'=' to increase noise speed
'1' - '9' + '0' to set max number of points per row/column of small square (0=10)
Mouse scroll/UP ARROW increase number of squares per page
Mouse scroll/DOWN ARROW decrese number of squares per page

Made in p5js
Created: August 2021

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